EO Exploitation Platform Common Architecture
Pricing Engine Design Document

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This document shall be amended by releasing a new edition of the document in its entirety.
The Amendment Record Sheet below records the history and issue status of this document.

Table 1. Amendment Record Sheet



Initial in-progress draft

1. Introduction

1.1. Purpose and Scope

This document presents the Pricing Engine Design for the Common Architecture.

1.2. Structure of the Document

Section 2 - Overview

Provides an over of the Pricing Engine component, within the context of the wider Common Architecture design.

Section 3 - Building Block Design

Provides the design of the Pricing Engine component.

1.3. Reference Documents

The following is a list of Reference Documents with a direct bearing on the content of this document.

Reference Document Details Version


EOEPCA - Use Case Analysis

Issue 1.0,


Exploitation Platform - Functional Model,

Issue 1.0,


Thematic Exploitation Platform Open Architecture,

Issue 1,


OGC Testbed-14: WPS-T Engineering Report,
OGC 18-036r1,



OGC WPS 2.0 REST/JSON Binding Extension, Draft,
OGC 18-062,



Common Workflow Language Specifications,



OGC Testbed-13, EP Application Package Engineering Report,
OGC 17-023,



OGC Testbed-13, Application Deployment and Execution Service Engineering Report,
OGC 17-024,



OGC Testbed-14, Application Package Engineering Report,
OGC 18-049r1,



OGC Testbed-14, ADES & EMS Results and Best Practices Engineering Report,
OGC 18-050r1, http://docs.opengeospatial.org/per/18-050r1.html



OpenSearch GEO: OpenSearch Geo and Time Extensions,
OGC 10-032r8,



OpenSearch EO: OGC OpenSearch Extension for Earth Observation,
OGC 13-026r9,



OGC EO Dataset Metadata GeoJSON(-LD) Encoding Standard,
OGC 17-003r1/17-084



OGC OpenSearch-EO GeoJSON(-LD) Response Encoding Standard,
OGC 17-047









OGC Catalogue Services 3.0 Specification - HTTP Protocol Binding (Catalogue Services for the Web),
OGC 12-176r7,



OGC Web Map Server Implementation Specification,
OGC 06-042,



OGC Web Map Tile Service Implementation Standard,
OGC 07-057r7,



OGC Web Feature Service 2.0 Interface Standard – With Corrigendum,
OGC 09-025r2,



OGC Web Coverage Service (WCS) 2.1 Interface Standard - Core,
OGC 17-089r1,



Web Coverage Processing Service (WCPS) Language Interface Standard,
OGC 08-068r2,



Amazon Simple Storage Service REST API,

API Version 2006-03-01

1.4. Terminology

The following terms are used in the Master System Design.

Term Meaning


User with administrative capability on the EP


A self-contained set of operations to be performed, typically to achieve a desired data manipulation. The algorithm must be implemented (codified) for deployment and execution on the platform.

Analysis Result

The Products produced as output of an Interactive Application analysis session.


A set of activities aimed to discover, interpret and communicate meaningful patters within the data. Analytics considered here are performed manually (or in a semi-automatic way) on-line with the aid of Interactive Applications.

Application Artefact

The 'software' component that provides the execution unit of the Application Package.

Application Deployment and Execution Service (ADES)

WPS-T (REST/JSON) service that incorporates the Docker execution engine, and is responsible for the execution of the processing service (as a WPS request) within the ‘target’ Exploitation Platform.

Application Descriptor

A file that provides the metadata part of the Application Package. Provides all the metadata required to accommodate the processor within the WPS service and make it available for execution.

Application Package

A platform independent and self-contained representation of a software item, providing executable, metadata and dependencies such that it can be deployed to and executed within an Exploitation Platform. Comprises the Application Descriptor and the Application Artefact.

Bulk Processing

Execution of a Processing Service on large amounts of data specified by AOI and TOI.


The codification of an algorithm performed with a given programming language - compiled to Software or directly executed (interpretted) within the platform.

Compute Platform

The Platform on which execution occurs (this may differ from the Host or Home platform where federated processing is happening)


User accessing existing services/products within the EP. Consumers may be scientific/research or commercial, and may or may not be experts of the domain

Data Access Library

An abstraction of the interface to the data layer of the resource tier. The library provides bindings for common languages (including python, Javascript) and presents a common object model to the code.


The act of building new products/services/applications to be exposed within the platform and made available for users to conduct exploitation activities. Development may be performed inside or outside of the platform. If performed outside, an integration activity will be required to accommodate the developed service so that it is exposed within the platform.


User finds products/services of interest to them based upon search criteria.


The act to start a Processing Service or an Interactive Application.

Execution Management Service (EMS)

The EMS is responsible for the orchestration of workflows, including the possibility of steps running on other (remote) platforms, and the on-demand deployment of processors to local/remote ADES as required.


User developing and integrating added-value to the EP (Scientific Researcher or Service Developer)

Exploitation Tier

The Exploitation Tier represents the end-users who exploit the services of the platform to perform analysis, or using high-level applications built-in on top of the platform’s services

External Application

An application or script that is developed and executed outside of the Exploitation Platform, but is able to use the data/services of the EP via a programmatic interface (API).


An unregistered User or an unauthenticated Consumer with limited access to the EP’s services

Home Platform

The Platform on which a User is based or from which an action was initiated by a User

Host Platform

The Platform through which a Resource has been published

Identity Provider (IdP)

The source for validating user identity in a federated identity system, (user authentication as a service).

Interactive Application

A stand-alone application provided within the exploitation platform for on-line hosted processing. Provides an interactive interface through which the user is able to conduct their analysis of the data, producing Analysis Results as output. Interactive Applications include at least the following types: console application, web application (rich browser interface), remote desktop to a hosted VM.

Interactive Console Application

A simple Interactive Application for analysis in which a console interface to a platform-hosted terminal is provided to the user. The console interface can be provided through the user’s browser session or through a remote SSH connection.

Interactive Remote Desktop

An Interactive Application for analysis provided as a remote desktop session to an OS-session (or directly to a 'native' application) on the exploitation platform. The user will have access to a number of applications within the hosted OS. The remote desktop session is provided through the user’s web browser.

Interactive Web Application

An Interactive Application for analysis provided as a rich user interface through the user’s web browser.

Key-Value Pair

A key-value pair (KVP) is an abstract data type that includes a group of key identifiers and a set of associated values. Key-value pairs are frequently used in lookup tables, hash tables and configuration files.

Kubernetes (K8s)

Container orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling and management.

Login Service

An encapsulation of Authenticated Login provision within the Exploitation Platform context. The Login Service is an OpenID Connect Provider that is used purely for authentication. It acts as a Relying Party in flows with external IdPs to obtain access to the user’s identity.

EO Network of Resources

The coordinated collection of European EO resources (platforms, data sources, etc.).

Object Store

A computer data storage architecture that manages data as objects. Each object typically includes the data itself, a variable amount of metadata, and a globally unique identifier.

On-demand Processing Service

A Processing Service whose execution is initiated directly by the user on an ad-hoc basis.

Platform (EP)

An on-line collection of products, services and tools for exploitation of EO data

Platform Tier

The Platform Tier represents the Exploitation Platform and the services it offers to end-users


A set of pre-defined activities that interact to achieve a result. For the exploitation platform, comprises on-line processing to derive data products from input data, conducted by a hosted processing service execution.

Processing Result

The Products produced as output of a Processing Service execution.

Processing Service

A non-interactive data processing that has a well-defined set of input data types, input parameterisation, producing Processing Results with a well-defined output data type.


EO data (commercial and non-commercial) and Value-added products and made available through the EP. It is assumed that the Hosting Environment for the EP makes available an existing supply of EO Data


A entity, such as a Product, Processing Service or Interactive Application, which is of interest to a user, is indexed in a catalogue and can be returned as a single meaningful search result

Resource Tier

The Resource Tier represents the hosting infrastructure and provides the EO data, storage and compute upon which the exploitation platform is deployed

Reusable Research Object

An encapsulation of some research/analysis that describes all aspects required to reproduce the analysis, including data used, processing performed etc.

Scientific Researcher

Expert user with the objective to perform scientific research. Having minimal IT knowledge with no desire to acquire it, they want the effort for the translation of their algorithm into a service/product to be minimised by the platform.

Service Developer

Expert user with the objective to provide a performing, stable and reliable service/product. Having deeper IT knowledge or a willingness to acquire it, they require deeper access to the platform IT functionalities for optimisation of their algorithm.


The compilation of code into a binary program to be executed within the platform on-line computing environment.

Systematic Processing Service

A Processing Service whose execution is initiated automatically (on behalf of a user), either according to a schedule (routine) or triggered by an event (e.g. arrival of new data).

Terms & Conditions (T&Cs)

The obligations that the user agrees to abide by in regard of usage of products/services of the platform. T&Cs are set by the provider of each product/service.

Transactional Web Processing Service (WPS-T)

Transactional extension to WPS that allows adhoc deployment / undeployment of user-provided processors.


An individual using the EP, of any type (Admin/Consumer/Expert/Guest)

Value-added products

Products generated from processing services of the EP (or external processing) and made available through the EP. This includes products uploaded to the EP by users and published for collaborative consumption


To obtain a visual representation of any data/products held within the platform - presented to the user within their web browser session.

Web Coverage Service (WCS)

OGC standard that provides an open specification for sharing raster datasets on the web.

Web Coverage Processing Service (WCPS)

OGC standard that defines a protocol-independent language for the extraction, processing, and analysis of multi-dimentional coverages representing sensor, image, or statistics data.

Web Feature Service (WFS)

OGC standard that makes geographic feature data (vector geospatial datasets) available on the web.

Web Map Service (WMS)

OGC standard that provides a simple HTTP interface for requesting geo-registered map images from one or more distributed geospatial databases.

Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)

OGC standard that provides a simple HTTP interface for requesting map tiles of spatially referenced data using the images with predefined content, extent, and resolution.

Web Processing Services (WPS)

OGC standard that defines how a client can request the execution of a process, and how the output from the process is handled.


A user-scoped 'container' in the EP, in which each user maintains their own links to resources (products and services) that have been collected by a user during their usage of the EP. The workspace acts as the hub for a user’s exploitation activities within the EP

1.5. Glossary

The following acronyms and abbreviations have been used in this report.

Term Definition


Authentication & Authorization Infrastructure


Attribute Based Access Control


Application Deployment and Execution Service


Abbreviated Language For Authorization


Area of Interest


Application Programming Interface


Content Management System


Common Workflow Language


Data Access Library


Execution Management Service


Earth Observation


Exploitation Platform


Filesystem in Userspace


Geo-specific extension to the XACML Policy Language


Identity and Access Management


Identity Provider


JavaScript Object Notation




Key-value Pair




Open Geospatial Consortium


Processor Development Environment


Policy Decision Point


Policy Enforcement Point


Policy Information Point


Role Based Access Control


Representational State Transfer


Secure Shell


Time of Interest


User-Managed Access


Virtual Network Computing


Web Coverage Service


Web Coverage Processing Service


Web Feature Service


Web Map Service


Web Map Tile Service


Web Processing Service


Transactional Web Processing Service


eXtensible Access Control Markup Language

2. Overview

2.1. Building Block Overview

Content Description

This section contains:

  • High-Level Description of the Building Block

  • Context within EOEPCA

The main functionality of the Pricing Engine is to support:

  • The Billing Service during the generation of billing reports, calculation of rates and prices for a list of items within a Pricing Window. Disaggregating them when necessary, depending on the pricing models.

  • The Authorization Phase, because the pricing engine can also be consulted for estimated resource use, to support the PDP on their requests to the Billing Service.

2.1.1. Initialization flow

The figure below, identifies the main workflows on which the Pricing Engine participates, along with it’s components:

pricing flow

When launched, the Pricing Engine will answer to all requests to 1 specific paths:

  1. Pricing Events: To calculate the rates and prices for a list of items.
    The requests should be accompained by an "Authorization: Bearer <valid_RPT>".

Examples, given the example values of:
- For Pricing Events: to be determinated

Token Request to Pricing Engine Pricing Engine Action Pricing Engine answer

No RPT/OAuth token


None (request does not get to Pricing endpoint)

None (the Pricing Engine doesn’t see this request)

RPT/OAuth token + Item information as data


Get the value for the item from the back-end database

Value for the item

2.2. External Interfaces

2.2.1. Exposed Interfaces Pricing Engine API

For this case we can use the /pricing/<item_id or ObjectId(item_id)> to do all the operations related to get the value for the item. Remote Back-end Databases

This component will also use a back-end databases that are remotely located and for this purpose, the connection to the databases will be established in different ways because the databases can be classified into different types.

2.2.2. Consumed Interfaces OIDC (to Login Service)

The Pricing Engine uses the OIDC protocol in order to authenticate itself as a valid UMA client, and uses this OIDC client in all UMA-related queries.It allows Clients to verify the identity of the End-User. (https://gluu.org/docs/gluu-server/4.0/admin-guide/openid-connect/)

These queries are done against the Login Service, and the endpoints used are:

  • Discovery Endpoint: /.well-known/openid-configuration

And the keys used from Well Known Handler:


  • UserInfo Endpoint: KEY_OIDC_USERINFO_ENDPOINT SCIM (to Login Service)

The Pricing Engine has the capability to auto-register itself as a client if there is no client pre-configured from previous starts or previous configuration. In order to do this, it utilizes the SCIM protocol which is designed to reduce the complexity of user management operations. (https://gluu.org/docs/gluu-server/3.1.1/user-management/scim2/)

The keys used from Well Known Handler:

  • User Atributes: KEY_SCIM_USER_ENDPOINT


2.2.3. Back-End databases

The Pricing Engine will connect to remote pricing databases to get price for the components that have generated the Billing Requests.

2.3. Internal Interfaces

2.3.1. Back-End database

The Pricing Engine will also have local pricing databases to get the price for the components.

2.4. Required resources

Content Description

This section contains:

  • List of HW and SW required resources for the correct functioning of the building Block

  • References to open repositories (when applicable)

2.4.1. Software

The following Open-Source Software is required to support the deployment and integration of the Pricing Engine:

2.5. Static Architecture

Content Description

This section contains:

  • Diagram and description of the major logical components within the Building Block

With the diagram below, you can see how the connection between the remote back-end databases, local back-end database and the Pricing Engine:

pricing flow

The Pricing Engine is composed of three main components:

  • The Pricing Engine (related to the endpoint that are exposed): This component will expose the endpoints that we commented before. For this it will be necessary to establish a client for SCIM and another for OIDC.

  • A local Back-end Database: This component store all information related to prices locally and will interact within the endpoints.

  • Remote Back-end Databases: This component also store the information related to prices but in this case will use remotely databases.

    The next section Building Block Design

    contains detailed descriptions and references needed to understand the intricacies of this component.

2.6. Use cases

Content Description

This section contains:

  • Diagrams and definition of the use cases covered by this Building Block

2.6.1. Pricing

pricing engine case
Figure 1. Pricing Engine Case

This diagram covers the following use cases: Pricing Item Value

When the Billing Service generates billing reports, the Pricing Engine building block calculates rates and prices for a list of items. Registration of values

The process of registering the values for the items is performed in the main, the component use a class which will allow actions such as inserting prices in the pod where the Back-end database is located or in remote Back-end database.

3. Building Block Design

Content Description

This section contains:

  • A concise breakdown of the Building Block in several independent services (when applicable). For each component, the following subsections are added:

    • Overview and purpose: indicating the functionality covered by the component

    • SW Reuse and Dependencies: indicating reuse of third party open source solutions (if any) and any pre-required Dependencies

    • Interfaces: both internal to the building block and those exposed externally

    • Data: Data usage of the building block, data flow and any GDPR concerns should be addressed here

    • Applicable Resources: links and references to (Reference Docs), and repositories.

When a breakdown is necessary, a general overview of the building block can be given. On the contrary, no breakdown indicates a single component development with the same expected sections.

3.1. Pricing Engine

3.1.1. Overview and Purpose

The Flask-based endpoint allows to query and retrieve information and values for the items in the requests.

3.1.2. Software Reuse and Dependencies

All requirements for the executing of the reverse proxy are found under src/requirements.txt, and expect Python 3.6.9 or greater to work.

The most important are:

  • EOEPCA-SCIM: Used as a complementary measure to the XACML passing of client assertions.

  • EOEPCA-OIDC: Used to auto-register itself as a client to the Auth. Server upon start-up.

  • WellKnownHandler: Used to dynamically check the configuration of the Authorization Server on each execution. For example, it can get the needed endpoints for any API the Pricing needs, such as the token request for OIDC.

  • Flask: External to EOEPCA’s project, this library allows the Pricing to expose its endpoints.

  • MongoDB: Used to storage the price for every item, with the possibility of performing actions such as insert value, modify, delete, etc

3.1.3. Interfaces

This component doesn’t have any internal interfaces. For a reference of external interfaces see External Interfaces on Section 2 Overview

3.1.4. Data Configuration

The Pricing Engine gets all its configuration from the file located under config/config.json.

The parameters that are accepted, and their meaning, are as follows:

To be determinated Data flow

To be determinated

3.1.5. Extensibility

The design of the Pricing Engine allows for further improvements if need be. For example:

  • Billing event to Pricing List interpretation

  • API Endpoints for Pricing Requests

  • Connection to local and remote pricing databases

  • Payments

  • Commercial users: register payment details

4. User Story Traceability

Table 2. User Stories
Code Description


Initial Repository and CI/CD Tooling Configuration


Initial Pricing Engine Design and Documentation

<< End of Document >>